Tasmanian Owned & Operated
Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing, Support & Advice
On-site Testing Services
We can take care of every component of your drug and alcohol testing needs, leaving you time to build your business.
Training, Assistance & Advice
Nationally Recognised Training Course – Qualify As A Drug Tester. Prepared by our team of experts and experienced on-site drug testing professionals.
Products & Supplies
We guarantee competitive prices on all of our products.
National Drug & Alcohol Testing Services Network
Our On-Site Testing Solutions – Truly innovative testing services available Nationwide, especially in remote locations. Allow us to provide significant cost reductions for your drug & alcohol testing program.

Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport drug and alcohol testing services and products. We assist you to conduct your own drug and alcohol testing or provide testing services with our professional team in Tasmania, Australia.
Drug & Alcohol testing is an important part of risk managing drugs and alcohol in the workplace.
Our resident drug testing specialists have implemented drug and alcohol programs in hundreds of workplaces around Australia over the last ten years. Having returned to Tasmania this invaluable experience is now available for Tasmanian employers seeking to manage risks of drugs and alcohol in their workplace.
To ensure a total solution is provided for our clients our specialties include:
- Random drug and alcohol testing programs.
- Drug & alcohol education and awareness training.
- Policy and Procedure advice and development.
- Supply of equipment and resources to conduct your own “in-house” testing programs.
- Strong relationships with NATA Accredited laboratories for confirmation of non-negative results.
Quality Results
Contact us to discuss the best solution for your workplace.

Drug Test Tasmania is the exclusive Alcolizer Distributor for Tasmania.
Get In Touch
Hobart TAS 7000
1800 854 511
Business Hours
24 Hours
Also 24 hours for existing customers.