Six. Wait… Seven Things You Need to Know About the New and Updated Australian Standard AS3547:2019 Breath Alcohol Testing Devices.

First, here is number Seven (least important for some, perhaps most important for others) – Many Tasmanian workplaces using breath testing equipment are still not aware the 1997 Breath Alcohol Testing Devices Australian Standard was updated in 2019. A transitional period was included for manufacturers to adapt to the new requirements of AS3547:2019. Workplaces have been given sufficient time to update their existing equipment where necessary.
So, what are the other six things you need to know about the new AS3547:2019?
- The transition period, initially ending 28th of December 2020 has now been extended to 22nd June 2022.
- The unit of measurement basis has changed from Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) to Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC). This means the units of measure have changed from grams/100ml of blood to grams/210L of breath. This is consistent with units of measurement referred to within Australian law enforcement.
- The accuracy that devices need to achieve remains similar to AS3547: 1997. In general terms, both standards are approximately ±10%.
- Long term drift performance of devices (the ability to maintain accuracy over time) has increased from a minimum of one month to minimum of six months.
- AS3547: 2019 now also includes service and calibration recommendations which were never part of AS3547: 1997, however, this now defaults to manufacturer recommendations.
- Additional physical requirements have been added to improve shock, vibration, electrical disturbances, temperature, humidity and battery charge.
It is not mandatory for breathalysers (personal or workplace) to be certified to Australian Standards AS3547:2019. However, breathalysers with this certification are considered much more reliable than their uncertified counterparts.
Alcolizer Technology, Australia’s leading manufacturer of world class breath testing devices offers further explanation here
For more information about certifications visit